Over the Hills And Far Away

Yesterday I think it took me 8 minutes to get tot work. 

Today, it took me 15.... I took this while I was sitting in the queue of traffic waiting to access the roundabout.  I can never understand the difference between one day and the next... I leave two minutes earlier, or two minutes later and the traffic is so different. 

i wouldn't normally hang out the window and take a photo, but for a good couple of minutes we just weren't moving at all.   The car did that funny thing where it switches itself off. 

Anyhoos.  Nice view... all the way down past Culzean Castle, and out to Ailsa Craig -  the allotments are just over to the right - They are about half way between the house and the office.  Everything is just a nice distance eh? 

Put my jigsaw on my table in my fancy-dan office today - invited everyone to have a shot.  It's quite funny how engrossed everyone gets with it. 

Had a quick sprint round block at lunchtime (and by sprint, I mean dawdle). and then I came home got all caught up in the RNLI programme - how lovely is that?  and then had another dawdle round the estate. I counted three trees already.  

No Tree of Magnificent Glory yet.  

I await its arrival

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