Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Snow Blip

With yesterday's snowfall, I set out to blip a snowy seen this morning. The snow had settled on the trees and created this amazing wintry feeling. The sun also added to the environment with its golden tones. I had a couple of ideas on what to blip and set out on my usual detour.

My idea was to shoot a tree in the middle of a field with some interesting background light. I took numerous shots like this one and was not thrilled with the results. I then saw this path and decided to shoot it. Again, I took many shots and at one point turned around and thought, "How about I shoot the other way?" I took the shot and moved on.

I am struggling with my favorite shot. I like the spur of the moment shot up the path with the bluish outlet, but the central nature of the composition irks me. Alternatively, I like the composition of the curving path, but miss the bright light at the end. As I type this, I am still debating. Obviously, I have chosen the shot above and you can see the other one here.

No Photoshopping here, just basic saturation, contrast, brightness and white balance.

Constructive criticism always welcome.

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