An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Little light in the little room...


The downstairs hall and wc ceiling lights are going to be out of commission till the ensuite work is done,  and whilst powdering one's nose in the dark is interesting, we have purchased a little battery operated light for the WC.  

This is the only blip I could muster today as I have spent the day immobile with sharp pains in my lower stomach.  I woke up in pain at 6.15am and when I was still in agony at 8.30am, I phoned the health centre.  GP phoned me back and arranged for me to be seen.  

After examination nothing was decided other than everything "felt normal" and was advised to take painkillers and get back in touch if it didn't ease.

 Pain did lessen a little during the day but not enough to be as active as I wanted to be.  Made the most of my incapacitation and did some online Christmas shopping.

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