Household chores

This is the last day in India. Left Bhuj in Gujarat in the morning. Not really sorry to leave. It’s been an amazing experience, Ashapura were fantastic hosts, I’ve seen places and things I never imagined I would see. I would certainly head to the Himalayas again, but not to such a flat, dusty crazy place.
The amount of rubbish dumped everywhere was absolutely crazy. All those poor cows and stray dogs, and I mean thousands of them, nosing through the rubbish, and often with awful injuries.
Almost everyone zipping along on motorbikes and Motor tuk tuks, causing more and more dust. Not many people walking as there are no pavements, or riding bicycles. Whole families sleeping on the side of a busy road on a piece of thin fabric in Mumbai.
Any way, one more time back to my luxury 5* Hotel for a 10 hour break, before my night flight back to Zürich.
What a crazy country of contrasts, I’m sure I’ll be back again soon!

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