
To kill two birds with one stone -- today's shot + exercising my back and hip muscles, AW and I went to the Mastbos for a walk.  That's the woods close to the town.  We parked at a nearby café.  During the walk, spotted a super large pond and, on the opposite bank, this heron.  This was the best shot of the series.  We met a lovely woman and we chatted for a while about the lovely weather, and how good it was of AW to lift me from the bench so that I could get back on the ground, whereupon I had to explain that I had hurt my back, and she said that hurt back or not, it always gives a good feeling to be lifted and assisted by 'a man'.  We had a good laugh about that!  Tea was really good, too.

The outcome of the pro-forma hearing in MNL?  Jay was not represented, as he should have been if he had read the papers and asked for legal help and appearance of counsel, but that was apparently not the case.  As we did everything by the book, it can't be said that we cut corners.  The judicial affidavit will be filed by next week and the first proper hearing has been scheduled for 12 Dec at 10.00 MNL time.  That will mean another semi-sleepless night, but Mimi will help me keep vigil, same as last week.  There'll be enough to talk about.  I might take a nap beforehand.  Now that the hearings have begun, I intend to arrange things in such a way that it will almost feel as though I'm actually there.

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