Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Wednesday — Calm before the ...

I stepped outside just after the sun had departed for this third to last day of November. This is the day before Thanksgiving in America. This holiday is always the fourth Thursday of November.

Because we are not hosting Thanksgiving Dinner, I spent my afternoon sorting and packing many of the things in my home office. Mr.Fun & I have each for years had our own home office. When we moved back to this little “former” home of ours 18 months ago, we no longer had one big office room, so we each converted a bedroom into an office and now we are preparing to consolidate and condense our two separate office rooms into one.

Then we will convert one of those vacated office rooms into a guest room. We have grandkids who have kids and we need a place for all of them to be able to sleep and spend the night here. Plus we really do need to get rid of some of the excess that we brought with us when we moved.

It has rained off and on throughout this day and the weather app says we’ll have rain all day tomorrow. I’m glad we won’t be traveling. We are going just across town to a Thanksgiving gathering at our former son-in-laws’s home. His parents Rollie & Bonnie, Emerson our grandson, Ashly our granddaughter and her husband Robert and their 5-month old son RJ, and Robert’s parents Bob & Trina will all be there. It will be a good day.

Good night from Southern California,
(We head for the Central Coast on Friday)
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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