
Another early start for me and a pile of papers to mark.
For breakfast, daughter #2 made pancakes for herself and her friend who had slept over last night. The two of them were in the kitchen for over an hour. My son was not impressed with this as he wanted to use the hob to make his breakfast.
The girls then had their piano lesson.
Daughter #1 went to kingston shopping with her friends. She came home with a bag full of summer clothes.
Daughter #2 had her drama class in the afternoon and whilst she was there hubby and I went shopping.
We also went to a nice cafe and shared a very nice cake.
Tonight I accidentally deleted some photos from my camera whilst importing to my iPad. I was not a happy bunny. Luckily I didn't have that many pictures on the card.
The weather forecasters have predicted snow for tomorrow morning but I bet we won't get any.

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