A Dawn Hanging

I had a lovely breakfast natter in Söderberg with EcoDad this morning.He was on his way to work and I was up and out to meet him. Over tea and coffee, we covered a host of subjects from the moors of Lewis to the bee hives in the Hermitage and certainly not forgetting Fairisle Beanies with an order thrown in.

Blipfoto is certainly providing friends to entertain me. I welcomed a passing JoppaStrand in to the Dower House yesterday afternoon.
Lest you think I am like a widow spider ensnaring her victims in my web, let me hasten to add there was absolutely no compunction for him to step over the threshold, and he left after a warming cup of tea, but not before I failed to demonstrate the ease of folding and unfolding my Brompton. At least we had a good laugh.

And so another day nearer the dreaded Season of Goodwill. I will have to make a list. Lists are great things. Mostly they are a figment of an overactive organising mind, but they do have a calming effect even if they accomplish nothing at the end of the day.
there is absolutely no connection between the blip and the blog, in case you think there might be.

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