
It did clear up later in the day but the grey was still there.  No matter, this is typical of autumn near the sea, and I'm actually not too unhappy about it as too many sunny days would be abnormal and remind me that the climate is changing, which it is.  There's no getting around that.

Went to work, worked, went back home, albeit a tad earlier than planned as only two showed up for the last class.  A meeting has been planned about one of my second-year classes because teachers have noticed a marked decline in motivation.  Yes, that same supervisor who accused me of telling an untruth about the schedule change.  It is supposed to be this Thursday.  I have a class at that exact time so I can't attend it, so I just began a reply instead, where I thought to share my ideas about this growing lack of motivation, and then, right in the middle of the mail, I stopped.  They will blame the class and perhaps a handful of colleagues who I know are doing their best, and anyway I can only speak for my subject, whereas I know that the 'fault' should be placed elsewhere.  I deleted my reply and simply pressed 'Decline' to remove it from my Calendar.  With only a couple of months left, I no longer wish to complicate matters.  It's not only that class that is losing motivation.  These students simply do not wish to hide their discontent while other classes don't mind putting on a smile.

This was shot right behind my car.  I had to park at the other side of the Willemsbrug because all the available spots on the usual side were full and otherwise inaccessible due to a window-cleaning crew using several cranes at the same time.  A meter more in reverse and I would have landed in the water.

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