Magnificent Seven!

The Princess celebrated her 7th birthday last 21 Nov, but as I was off late at work, and she had to be in bed by 20.30 at the latest, it was decided that we would visit today instead.

First, AW had to go to the poli to have some periodic tests.  In the meantime, I continued with my genealogy info and some housework.  In the afternoon, he then visited MG, the one who's going to hire him part time starting January.  He got back at about 16.30 and by 17.00 we were off and ended up smack in the rush hour traffic jam heading west.  No problem, we were at Son's place at about 18.00 and stayed there a couple of hours.

The Princess has very long arms, but, most noticeably, very long legs.  The doctors are predicting she'll be as tall as her father in about 10 years, and we believe it.

The shot is not so focused because it was taken a bit in shadow, but she would not be still for a shot and I just had to chance it.

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