Looking South

By 13south

Wimborne Minster on a budget

Two of us were in Wimborne for a Salvation Army budgeting meeting.  Afterwards we revived ourselves with coffee and cake in the Army café, and then had a quick look at the minster before our car parking expired.  This is the wonderful astronomical clock, which dates back to the fourteenth century.

In the afternoon I was sent to a patrol, only to discover that I should have been told to go yesterday not today.  Never mind, it gave me more baking time at home: our Salvation Army Christmas fair is tomorrow.  I would have had even more time if I hadn't run out of flour in the middle of baking and had to rush to One Stop for more.  The One Stop cat, which was thrown out by management on 'elf -'n - safety grounds was weaving round my ankles.  I commented to the assistant that he was allowed back in then.  I probably should have kept my mouth shut because she didn't know he was there, and the look she gave him suggested that he was about to be booted out again.

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