Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Another cold sunny winter day on Lake Union. Another day I spent indoors. Thank you for all your get well wishes! I've heard of many people with some sort of flu who believe it would have been much worse if they had not gotten a flu shot. I agree. The last time I had flu was when Oskar was a baby -and he's almost 8, so I can't complain too much. Better today -expect 98% tomorrow :-)
But less productive. And I only had a couple of photos from the day. I was sitting in our front window reading when I saw this gaff rigged schooner with full sails glide by -almost missed it grabbing the camera, even tho there wasn't enough wind to push it very fast... - but decided I liked it anyway, for all those bare branches and the bridge, fairly monotone. I tried it in black and white, but I like those itty bits of red and green too much. I am a sap for color.

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