Spot the odd one out

You'll have to look closely to spot the odd one out in this photograph.
Our sitting room windowsill normally has reindeer on it but over the past few years they have been added to so that now there's pretty much no room for anything else!
However, there is always room for the odd one out - Spotted it yet?
.look down
Answer is the giraffe on the left of the Christmas tree.
He has appeared for the past 2 or 3 years since F.M.i.L. looked at the reindeer and asked 'What are they, giraffes?'. Although she's travelled the world, and is very smart in so many other ways, she has no idea when it comes to animals.
Lennon turned up a few days later with this giraffe to add to the reindeer collection and it gives us a laugh every year, all of us that is, including F.M.i.L.

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