
By talia_e_foa

I am Zorro Dog

My name is Zorro I am named after a Mexican bandit. My mum watched an old black and white tv series about Zorro. She thought I would grow up to be brave and fearless. My favourite thing is food. Any food.

I love my Aunty Zeeva. I love Sinatra and Sabu Cat. I try to wash the cats but they keep running away. I managed to collide with my mum’s head and made her eyebrow bleed. She forgave me though.

I am nearly 6 months old. I like beach walks eating seaweed and chasing my Aunty Zeeva. I have just discovered that I like swimming in the sea.

I have to be on the lead in the house or I get into the cat litter box. My mum does not like me doing that I don’t know why.

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