From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG


Unfortunately, Littler G was too under the weather to make it to the birthday party of her Mickey Mouse loving friend (see yesterday). Mr G kindly took both her and her brother to his parents' house for the afternoon so that I could have some more quiet revision time. I was under strict instructions to make the most of the time and not answer the phone / waste time on Facebook etc. And I (mostly) did very well at that, and then I noticed the spectacular sky outside my window... I was very good and reached only for my phone, rather than finding my super duper new camera, which is why this is a little less than perfectly focussed. I could have taken hundreds of pictures - it looked more and more special every time I looked - but I limited myself to just this. Ok, just this and a few more, but this was about the best of the bunch. Lesson learned - next time take the extra few minutes to find a proper camera.

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