twinned with trumpton


Ever decreasing circles...

Alex to school, before sorting Tom out with bus fares and a plan for the latest climate strike. A nice day for it, 
Housework for me, and some admin (paying bills, reluctantly declining the £100 of an election vote counter)

And off into town to check the flat; a dodgy key safe denying access and then to catch Tom at the parliament (he'd shouted and then gone home already!)
So home I went with my Lidl bounty and grabbed the keys; back to check the heating which is fine.
And then She finished up and off around the seething mess of humanity that was Black Friday / Pay Day / Princes St. But She got her lad some stuff for his birthday next week and a few Xmas things also ticked off.
To Hers for chipotle chicken and spinach; very tasty. 

And an icy slither home on the bike. 

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