Frosty walk for me this morning with clients dogs after chasing Jack about for 15 mins trying to catch him as Janet had given him a handful of Eric's hay so as far as he was concerned, he had no need to come in for breakfast. Had to persevere as he needed to come in to be ready for Eva's lesson. Managed to corner him with some spare fencing and handfuls of pony nuts.

It was first ride in his new bit and bridle so I was a bit worried about the brakes but all was good and he looked much happier and relaxed. The reins are still stiff though so Eva got a sulk on about those and just stopped trying. Mike took Eva off to a birthday party and I stayed with Eve who had the second half of the lesson. She had a canter and stopped him without any problems so very happy with things.

Out to dinner to celebrate Toby's guitar exam results. But a bit of confusion between the waiter and Toby about what constitutes 'normal' cheese (plastic cheese slices for the waiter and mature cheddar for Toby) meant he didn't like his burger. Plus Eva was still on a sugar rush from the party and wouldn't sit still and was just generally hard work so it wasn't the most successful outing so we may have to try again!

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