
By blipblog

The Conversation - Episode 4

Traceyflowerpot vs. Something's Missing

I have been looking through your journal, more so over the past few months. I really like the textures, the effects and the originality of your images. Are you a self taught photographer (if so a very good one) or have you been on photography courses over a period of time?

I started using my first SLR at school when I was doing a Graphic Design course. I then went on to college where I took an A-level in photography. That's where I really learnt how to use a camera, I used to love messing about in the darkroom, doing all sorts of experimental stuff.

What made you take up photography and how long have you been doing it?

My interest in photography started at a very young age. My dad used to use an old Pentax film SLR, he had all sorts of kit, various filters, lenses etc. So I guess some of his interest was passed onto me. I've been into photography for the past 15 or so years I'd say.

Have you been inspired in you own photography by any well known famous photographers if so what has inspired you about their photography?

One of my favourite photographers is Andy Earl.

I also really like some of the more lesser known photographers such as Benoit Paille and Luis Montemayor.

When you see something while you are out and about what makes you want to stop and take a photograph of that particular subject at that given time?
I'll stop and take a pic of anything that catches my eye really. The good thing about Blip is that it makes you look at things a little bit differently. I'm always on the look out for colour, rust, and various odd looking bits n bobs.

I enjoy uploading images of Eric and my boys here on Blip, I see you also put quite a few images of Sarah and your friends here on blip. Do you also enjoy putting these kind of images on more than others?
Yeah, I really like doing portrait shots, poor old Sarah gets the most harassment purely because I'm around her a lot of the time. I'd like do to much more portrait work in the future. Eventually I'll pull my finger out and set up some sort of studio.

I like a lot of your images on your Blip journal especially, Sarah's wellies are very cool, I also really like your more recent image. What are you top ten favourite images and why?

1. talk this way
Really like how this turned out, it wasn't planned. I was just following behind.

2. A to the K
This shot was taken at one of the best gigs I've been to. I grew up listening to Cypress Hill.

3. going solo
This shot meant a lot to me. It was the first day I took over BAM on my own.

4. Stone circle
I love Glastonbury, and everything about the place. This was one of those special moments, anybody that's been there will know what I'm talking about. Oh yeah, plus I won 2 tickets to Glasto 09 because of it.

5. wedding
The first wedding Barker and I photographed, I was so bloody nervous. It all went really well though, we even made the groom cry when he saw our images.

6. 1142
One of my favorite shots, Barker wasn't a happy bunny!

7. Drew
My mate Drew smoking, really like how the curl appeared.

8. Wood Shavings
Big fan of all things curly. This took ages to create.

9. Stairway to heaven
Very first stages of the Arc development in Bury St Edmunds. It was good to follow the progress of the building in images from start to finish.

10. Hardwick Heath
The first framed print I ever sold.

I have been using a photo editing suite a little lately to enhance some of my images to make them look more creative, I see you also use a photo editing suite on some of your images which I feel works very well, do you use these effects to enhance your images more than leaving them in their normal form?

I very rarely use any images straight out of camera, if I had a lot more time & patience then I probably would. I use Photoshop CS3 heavily, it's very similar to working in a darkroom, just without all the chemical smells!
Last but not least, have you got any tips for us fellow blippers which you would like to share ?

Shoot from hip. Don't ask permission. Try out your manual button.

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