Hoy Sound (Day 1669)

I spent the morning sorting through my scrap pile and tidying the garage a bit today, whilst my beautiful wife went across to Stromness to deal with the hosses. I managed to make a considerable dent in the pile and have cleared a load of rubbish out of the garage.
After a late lunch, HV and I took the woofers to Stromness for a wander. Unfortunately an altercation with a woman who chooses to make up allegations about HV soured the day somewhat. The woman's partner who is also the subject of ficticious allegations felt the need to threaten me when I asked him to get her to shut up. They have proved, once again, that they are utterly horrible people. 
The wander round the shore was pleasant enough, and we bumped into Mum and Evie the wonderdog along the way. On the way home later, we stopped off for coffee with Mum and Dad. 

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