
By Igor

by dawn’s early light

I wake to the sound of Anniemay on the phone.  She’s trying to book her spin class for next Monday.  There’s a critical interval between 7.25 and 7.30, from when the booking system opens, to when it closes. 

This is a routine which happens every Monday and Friday morning because classes have to be booked a week in advance. It’s usually accompanied by grumbling and the engaged tone.  But not today.

“You’re a bit sparky” I say.  

And then, for reasons which I simply cannot fathom, we end up talking about Sparky’s Magic Piano.  Where on earth did that come from?  A few moments on Google and we’re listening to the sound of our childhood.

Next up on the playlist is Max Bygraves and “Gilly, Gilly ……”  

I’ll leave that one with you.

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