Bus ready

Just in case it's like last thursday, the only day I didnt have my book with me. Caught the 5.04 bus to take me to my car, and was still sitting on it, at 6.20. An accident in the city had caused gridlock, and in the end half my bus got off and walked the last 15 minutes. If I had had my book, I might have just sat on it. Thankfully, although the buses are late more than they are on time, they dont usually take 90 minutes to do the 20 minute drive.

Today my headache has been my biggest problem, followed swiftly in second place was the phones which were non stop, it's amazing I processed so many pensions. So now I'm waiting for the 5.04 and hoping it isn't too much longer.

A quiet evening planned of doing nothing, then an early night.

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