Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Oh, what I would have given to be out in my hide today...but sitting at the kitchen window was a close second.  You won't be surprised to read that I spent most of the morning glued to the window, camera in hand.  The snow started mid-morning, and the Bistro was FRO (Flying Room Only) from that point on.  Several squirrels arrived and took up residence in two of the feeders and one intrepid young chipmunk was seen ferrying cheeks full of seed and corn around to the corner of the house.  

My choice for today was this delicate little American Tree Sparrow, a bird that only shows up in the yard when it snows.  Second choice, the equally dainty American Goldfinch (see Extra).  Both taken through the window glass, not ideal but adequate.

Our upstairs furnace has picked this time to act up and it was only 60 F when we awoke this morning.  And, of course, the repair company is closed because of the storm.  So, we shall hope that sufficient heat rises from the downstairs to keep the bedrooms habitable until the unit can be serviced.  And let's hope it isn't too much $$.  When it rains...  

Our cable is also out which means no internet. (I am using my iPhone hot spot to post.)  All the ice that came down last night has brought a lot of tree limbs down so I'm grateful that all we are dealing with is a lack of cable/internet as opposed to no electricity.  Storms like this one are just the worst as the heavy ice, followed by snow is very damaging.  Our big will tree split under its own weight this morning, such a shame.  

I continue to spend a lot of time with my broken foot elevated - amazing how much difference that makes, actually.  The swelling has gone down so much, and the bruising is starting to fade too.  My foot actually looks like a foot again, as opposed to something from a cadaver.  

Well, back to my window...

Thank you for the love on yesterday's snowy finches!


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