One click at a time

By KeithKnight

January Daily Challenge - Something Yellow

Day 14 of Neet's January daily challenge - Something yellow: Find something yellow in your travels today and take a photo.

Horribly early start today which means that I can report that as I left my house at 02:50 this morning there was no frost and no snow. There was no snow when I got into my car. By 02:51 when I was ready to move off it was snowing, quite lightly, nothing to panic over unless you're a British Tabloid newspaper. It wouldn't even have rated as a hard frost in most places. What it will be like going home will be another matter.

So to yellow. It was tempting to do something about yellow snow, but there wasn't enough snow, yet alone any yellow snow. Chiswick Park where I am currently working has a lot of yellow around, the staff uniforms are yellow, most of their materials are published with a yellow background, and a lot of the signs are yellow, and here we have the entrance to the park.

If you look carefully you may see the raging blizzard few bits of snow in the air.

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