Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

The daily mix.

So what does the boy have today from his wanderings and battles with Flossie, chief apprentice and hound under training?

In the foreground are two Common Oak Galls from which the tiny wasp Andricus kollari has already emerged and gone on it's merry way, hence the tiny hole. On top of the left hand burr is a Jew's Ear Fungi Auricularia auricula - judae, so named as it is commonly found on Elders which Judas is reputed to have used to hang himself. I believe the small white one is Spongiporus suncaesius, apparently the flesh tastes very bitter, which is handy to know as it's poisonous. Finally a couple of pieces of what i think is Plicatura crispa.

27 images stacked in Helicon Focus.

Floss is about to be reintroduced to her choke chain. My hands may hurt more than her neck but not for long. :-))

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