Book Sharing

H and M were out today when I dropped by their place to contribute a book to their outdoor collection.  They have this little cutesy bookcase outside and anyone can put one in and/or take one out and/or both.  I have a feeling I might put more in, but only books in Dutch.  But I treasure all my books, regardless of language, so we'll see.

Took a break from the MOOC and actually I have hardly done anything with it this past week as I took time out to do some bookkeeping and catch up with genealogy information processing.  Plus some housework.

In MNL, Mimi's husband, the Butcher, had a serious traffic accident due to ... of all things ... drunk driving.  He is my age and should know better.  To make it worse, the vehicle he was driving belonged to his father, Uncle Frank, who was decidedly not happy with the whole thing.  There's a history of domestic animosity there which I won't get into here.  So now Mimi has a patient on her hands, something she wasn't looking forward to, as the Butcher and she are sort of estranged.

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