
We went to Leek in the late morning to walk over the local market. It was lovely and loads of stalls to look at.
Food and artwork and stuff.
I bough a kilo of apples. They had 3 different types of russets, which are the only apples I eat. So I was happy.
We directly went to The 3 Horseshoes for lunch with the family.
I did eat too much again!
We then went to Neils parents at Roach side and took Trixie, the Jack Russel, for a walk.
After that we chilled in the living room in front of the fire.
It was a lovely relaxed afternoon only a bit spoilt by noticing that my knitting bag did only contain yarn, but not my knitting .... that was still in Glasgow! Doh!
We had some drinks, some snacks and left around 10 pm to get back to the Farm.

Blipping Neil in front of the Roaches.

The extra is the view from Roach side to Hencloud with the farm in the foreground.
I processed it with the new Skylum Luminar 4 and altered the sky - so its rather digital art  :)

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