No Morrisons today as my friend Jan is on another cruise ( up the Rhine this time ) so I was able to have a lie in.  Still feeling rather unwell.  Full of cold with a sore throat. I have just spent the the day gently pottering around indoors.  I have done an online grocery order from Morrisons which will come tomorrow evening. And I have wrapped a few Christmas presents. And watched a lot of TV.  Heating on all day.  Good job I have already received my £200 Winter Fuel Payment.

The Wide Wednesday theme is lights. I was short of ideas but I came up with this shot taken from my back door.  I was lucky to find a light on in someones window and a street light.  Best I could come up with.  Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting.

Musical link LEAVE A LIGHT ON - by Tom Walker

Steps today - 2,648

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