Watch week

I didn’t manage to watch the whole day of her Watch Week at music, because they’d changed the day to normal. But I did get to see her dalcroze lesson and improvisation class. Both of them are really good for her and it was interesting to see how she’s grown in dalcroze since she first did it aged 8. Improv was rehearsing for performance.

At the end of the YYM day, she was completely delighted because B arrived in time for their concert. Katie did her first YYM performance on bassoon, playing her concert programme right through with her piano teacher accompanying her. She also played some Mozart with her duet partner and Hallelujah with her improv ensemble. Her solo performance was fabulous and really stunned the staff. Her piano teacher was astonished how clearly bassoon is The Instrument for her. Her former piano teacher couldn’t believe the progress she’s made in 10 short months. The director was extremely pleased with how she’s come on since she auditioned to switch to first study bassoon. A good result.

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