Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Chimney Stack No 1

This is the chimney stack at the Glenkinchie Distillery.
Built in 1880 the distillery originally used coal fuelled power but now runs on oil. Workers houses and most of the buildings are made from brick. Distilleries emit certain vapours which cause a black fungal build-up to form on the brickwork and this is evident on all the outer walls.

At school I remember our teacher telling us that 'chimney' is not spelt with an 'L' (as in 'chimley') because Bristolians tend to put 'L's' in words and even the word Bristol was originally Bristo.

I am going to try and photograph some chimneys consecutively (well, maybe) because I do love them and there are quite a few around here.

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