The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy

Just me and mummy

Our first day just the two of us.. I decided to give the old one a break since I rely on her for food and slept well last night to make sure she had the energy to keep up with me today.

I really enjoyed just hanging out the two of us and so did mummy, actually the whole day was very chilled and we even got out in the car twice!

I went to the supermarket with granny riet and then to auntie Lauren's shop to get mummy something to wear at an important meeting next week. Of course I was exceptional the whole time I was out (well if you overlook peeing on auntie Lauren's couch when I was getting my nappy changed).

The thing I was most impressed with is that mummy managed to figure out a way to express milk ( since I still prefer express delivery via bottle than having to go collect it myself) and feed me at the same time today.. this photo was my face while I watched her show off her balancing skills.. you can see I was sceptical!

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