Teddy in the Window, Manesty
Well, that was WET. A 10 mile slog around Derwent Water from the National Trust carpark at Great Wood proceeding in a clockwise direction.
Really strong winds, big waves and whitecaps on the lake. Driving rain which for most of the walk along the western side was behind us. The last stretch from Keswick back to the carpark was the bleakest.
Highlights were the Teddy in the Window, posted last year by John Gravett https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2395520805015392052 and another blipper more recently (edit: Sue Middleton https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2644941586932171951) and of course, Lingholm, which was a haven that was difficult to leave.
Plans to go to Ambleside for a spot of shopping were abandoned and we came straight back to the hotel to get the wet weather gear dried and us revitalised by cups of tea and bananas. We’re now sitting in the lounge with a mulled wine and a Guinness contemplating dinner.
A submission for Abstract Thursday. Thanks for hosting Ingeborg.
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