Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1868. Flower Friday Conundrum

I saved this little orchid after it dropped yesterday, just so that I could try some more macro photography.  I decided to use both my Olympus and Panasonic cameras to photograph it but wasn't expecting these results at all.
The one taken with my Olympus OMD M1 MKii is on the left and is far more accurate in terms of the colour of the orchid.  The one taken with my little Panasonic LX-15 is on the right and looks far more saturated than it actually was.  Both of these images are completely unedited apart from being cropped and I'm very confused as to why the colour is so saturated in the Panasonic image....and both were shot in RAW......
I delivered my presentation on our recent trip to Russia to my Photo Club this morning and I think it went well, my hubby came along in case anyone asked any military-type questions as my knowledge of this sort of thing is very limited and what's more he thoroughly enjoyed his morning there too!  I'm sitting up a bit later tonight (well it's after midnight so technically today!) putting the final touches to the quiz that we're doing at the club in two weeks' time...all I have to do now is print out the answer sheets and it's all ready.....
So here's my Flower Friday entry and thanks to BikerBear (Anni) for hosting!

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