Nu House

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Today was a slow day. I decided to spoil myself and take a long lunch hour, which expanded to ninety minutes. I took the opportunity to watch an Italian horror movie with horrible dubbing called, "Shock!"

See? I am taking my podcasting duties very seriously. 

The film was funny in that way that badly-dubbed films often are. Things which may have seemed reasonable to say in the original lingo often sound brutally blunt upon translation. 

WOMAN: Why do you always have to leave?
MAN: Oh I'll be right back. Unless there's a plane crash!

I just about spat out my drink. And then genuinely snorted when the VERY NEXT SCENE was of his plane crashing. 

Italians. They just don't do "subtle".

In other news, Caro has been in touch with a real estate agent named Nu who told us of another house which may suit us. It is in Waikanae which is just another 5 minutes up the coast from Paraparaumu. The house looks pretty nice, what do you think?

Caro thinks it looks promising enough for us to go and visit on Sunday. I do so hate leaving the little men on a Sunday afternoon, but if this plays out then they'll have a catio and a lot more outdoor space.

I shall report back with more news as and when.


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