
By misswinterfinch

At the "Other Oxford"

Twice a week I am at Oxford Therapy to get my leg muscles working better while the right hip adjusts to the new joint.
I am coming along and will be pursuing this activity for the month of December.
A runner-up in the choice of Blip today is our second huge snowfall coming down as I type this.
On Wednesday my Snow Shovel Queen dug me out of my snowfall driveway. I drove out for essential errands and today my car is stuck in the garage again, not only because a deep snow is trying to block it in, but my garage door snapped a cable. The door is closed until a repairman comes by later to set the cables right for me.
Then we shall see if the snow depth stops me driving again! I promised a friend who lives out in the county forest that I would come by on Saturday to feed her cat and chat with it a bit.
That plan is "weather permitting", of course.
Too there will be lots of blips of snow scenes to come, of course.

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