Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

So, I think you can guess what my work chore was today? :) Soft Pink pansies are now replanted and on table 9. :)
I enjoyed fun times and giggles with a coworker. I also got a situation confirmed by the same coworker I talked to a lot to today. That felt really nice since sometimes when you're in a uncomfortable situation it's difficult to know if the feeling was exaggerated just because you're feeling uncomfortable... if you know what I mean?

Ok, so... we have a person at work who doesn't work in the greenhouse, but does chores there from time to time, almost every day. I don't agree with the energy he's sending out. He makes me feel so uncomfortable and I can't really explain it. When we had longer opening hours that evening a couple of weeks ago I was a bit stressed out. I hadn't eaten lunch, because I had to be at work half past 12, I was stressed because I wondered if my energy would hold... I usually get really tired in the afternoon, and to topp it off I was working 2 hours longer than I should and longer than I had before. So, a bit stressed. When I got to work that day, I talked a bit with my boss in her office. The door was open, we usually respect if someone is talking to our boss and walk away until that person is finished. Respect... normal respect. 
When I'm standing there talking about private things, this man is standing almost in the doorway, perhaps a couple of steps back and I can feel his eyes on me and his ears are listening. I get so super uncomfortable that I finish my conversation abruptly with my boss and have to wriggle my way past this man, because we have a cabinet just outside our boss' room. My other coworker is standing at a respectful distance, so she saw everything and confirmed my feelings today. She told me he was staring at me and listening, so even if I didn't look at him, I felt it. My skin was crawling when he was standing there... I wish I'd had the energy to just stare at him, and ask him to step back so I could close the door, but I was to stressed to do this.
The day after I went to my boss and talked to her about that situation and she told me she'd noticed and wondered about my abrupt ending of the conversation. She promised to talk to him about respecting when others were talking to her and come back later, without mentioning me. She understood my feelings.
My coworker has the same feelings as I about this man, and we're not alone, others do too. I can't even be civil to him.... 
Rant's over! :D
I did 15 minutes workout in the gym... I managed to do 3 different exercises, 12 reps/ exercises and 3 'rounds' of every exercise. I only rested after doing 1 set of every exercise. Nice to do a workout even if it was a short one! :D 

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