Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Booker Prize Winner

I was busy at home all day. How is it possible to have so much tidying and sorting still to do??

I printed photos for Margret's Christmas cards, tidied the upstairs (that's my part of the house), washed and set Mum's hair, walked to the surgery for my prescription, unpacked the supermarket shop (delivered to the door) and generally pottered on.

I was going to meet Julie at the Sage, Gateshead, tonight for one of the events in the Words Weekend 2019. Bernardine Evaristo was in conversation with David Olusoga.

The plan was to meet up about 45 minutes before and have a chat and a drink. The start time was 8pm and at 7pm I was leaving the Redheugh Bridge, about 5 minutes drive from The Sage. One hour later I was parking my car. The traffic was gridlocked and I have no idea why.

Some of the coins fell through the parking machine, so I was grovelling around to find them. Then I dropped the camera out of its lovely padded bag. I won't tell you what I said. (So far it seems OK.)

I was allowed in. Julie was sitting near the back with a glass of red wine for me. What a life saver.  

The Booker prize was shared this year between Bernadine and Margaret Attwood. Bernadine's book is Girl, Woman, Other. It sounds fascinating, it I could get used to the lack of sentence structure.

The conversation was good. David O gave her plenty of time to answer his questions. She agreed to my photograph at the end. I've left her in colour because I like her headscarf and the colours behind her.

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