A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

La Concha

It has been a manic Monday today, to say the least.

After a full day of teaching the little darlings, I took Mum to the eye specialist in Marbella. She has the beginnings of cataracts, but no lasting damage has been done to her eyes from being a "late-onset diabetic". So an operation to remove the cataracts sometime later in the year should do the trick.

We then had a bite of supper in Cabopino on the way back and at last I am home - about to write a little test for the Third Form tomorrow morning!

So I'm afraid today's offering was taken in desperation, up a back street of Marbella. The mountain which dominates the area is La Concha, which means "The Shell" and it's everywhere you look.

The setting sun was throwing a warm glow on to her rocky facade and the orange trees looked rather lovely in the light.

Hope your Monday has been a little less frenetic than mine!

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