A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

The Morning After

There is little more depressing than getting out your glad rags for a party, to find that the only things you can still get into are your shoes.

But we managed somehow and the ADANA Christmas Bash was a great success. Every ticket was sold, the food was good and the entertainment not bad, and they were performing for free.

I especially liked the Neil Diamond sound-alike, although I do have him to thank for Caroline going round in my head half the night.

This morning we congregated as usual at the chiringuito, where I borrowed a friend's camera to shoot the fishermen on the rock, which yesterday was under water.

They were taking a risk or two today as well, but neither had been washed away by the time I left.

The plan is to take the bikes down the beach track later. See how the old hip likes that!

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