Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Miss Emma Doyle!

It’s been a very “Doggie Day” for me today.  I had a friend visit with her beautiful English Terrier this morning.  I have been really looking forward to meeting Miss Emma Doyle as I had only seen her in my friends Facebook posts.  We all sat outside under the awning and indulged in some yummy date and lemon scones with lashings of Cherry Jam (thank YOU trisharooni) and whipped cream.  It was a very pleasant morning.  I then headed over to another friends house and Met Miss Cutie O’Hara (see extra).  I do love dogs A LOT so it was just great to meet a pair of characters in the one day.

A LOT of smoke around today but I believe that was because there was very little wind.  Still very unsettling and over the next couple of days I’m going to pack MiniMo with lots of boxes of precious items that would be irreplaceable if a fire did eventuate on Shipley Plateau.  There are some things that I would be devastated to lose.

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