family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

Wow snow.

First thing this morning when Erin came in and kindly woke me and Caleb up I showed her what had happened last night. 'wow snow!' is the response I got. 'santa likes snow' was the next thing :)

Took a nice slow work to toddler group in the afternoon so that Erin could have a little play. Pushing a pushchair with buggy board and toddler wasnt the funniest thing I've ever done but still Erin enjoyed it

Put Caleb in a walker at toddler group, for his first time he did really well could go forward and backwards and just smiled the whole time. I sold erins thinking I wouldn't need it and I regret it but I may hold off a couple more weeks to see if once he is crawling his frustration goes.

Dentist for me in the evening, and a horrible icing drive there and back.

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