Survival Kit

First thing this morning my neighbour came to the door to advise that they were going to be away overnight and as there was heavy rain forecast he had put all their flood defences in place. I was a bit surprised as I wasn’t expecting it to be too bad and SEPA have not issued any warnings for this area. I am still hopeful that we will be okay but have felt restless’just in case’.

To add to this, the carpet shop phoned around 4.30pm. They had arranged to fit our carpet on Friday after I had rearranged my shift in the shop. However, their fitter has phoned to say he is going to work Tuesday in stead of Friday and so he would be here on Tuesday. I advised it would be okay if it was a.m. They thought it would be p.m. Could I leave a key with a neighbour. No. They asked if I could leave the key in a safe place for the fitter to let himself in. No. Would I be happy to let the fitter in and leave him to finish up and post the key. No. They will call me back on Monday.

Just needed a rant.

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