
By MumOf4Wildlings


I am the destroyer of t-shirts :-) . Especially those that belong to Mr R.

We have 7 day's until our due date. Yikes.

I actually packed my hospital bag today so that everything is ready just incase. We also put the new wildlings car seat in the car for preparation and I packed the other Wildlings bag's incase they have to stay with nana and grandad. I'm hoping I haven't spurred the baby on. I cannot wait to see this wildling but I'm not mentally prepared for labour. I have had 3 awful one's, and I'm quite nervous this time around.
The hospital have put a plan in place though , but they did this last time and their equipment failed. The midwives were amazing but the equipment that was needed failed and they didn't have a replacement.
I have my fingers crossed that this time round will be easier.

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