The new routine

For the last week or so my very lovely owner, Ann, has been feeling c***. So for the last week or so she's not been helping me with my Blips so we've been posting a load of c***. My main walk of the day (for the last week or so) has been to 'Braidburn Valley Park', where I've had a good run about, but it's been so rainy recently that I've not really seen a lot of my little doggie friends because nobody in Edinburgh seems to walk their dogs in the rain and Ann has been too tired/ill to even take her phone out of her pocket to photograph me having a good run about.

Anyway over the last week or so, we've developed a new routine......................

Between 7.30 - 9am I go for a little trek around the streets on my lead for half an hour or so.

Between 11am – 2pm I go to the park for an hour or so for a bit of a run around.

Between 4pm – 6pm I have another little trek around the streets on my lead for half an hour or so.

Between 10pm – 11pm I go out for my bedtime wee. …........That's a bit of a boring walk. Actually it's not even a walk! I just get taken to the grass outside our flats. I squat down and wee and then we go back inside. …...........Oh, but I do get a very tasty dental stick when I come back in before bedtime. Yay!!!

Anyway Ann is no longer feeling c*** so today I had an extra long walk between 11am – 2pm. We were out for almost 2 hours but because we were walking along the canal I had to stay on my lead. So when we got to the park beside the canal I was allowed off my lead to have a good run about (in this Blip). I ended up with very muddy paws and a very muddy tummy. But I didn't get into trouble because it wasn't my fault.

......….Oh and then Ann went out this afternoon to do a couple of 'Meet & Greets' By 3pm It's dark then. She had to grovel around retrieving a key from a lock box which was attached to railings bordering the 'Meadows' (and anyone who lives in Edinburgh will know that the 'Meadows' is not a safe place to be after dark) and got very wet and dirty in the process so when she came home she was even more muddy than me. But fortunately she wasn't raped, murdered or mugged.

…..................So all is good.

…...........And we're going to spend the evening snuggled up on the sofa watching a couple of episodes of 'Gold Digger'.

#Normalservicehasresumed  #WeloveBLIP

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