Kingston Lacy is alight....

.....but don't call the fire brigade, it's all under control.

We were due at Mr & Mrs Angelique's for lunch today and on the way way got a message to say Oscar was at the vet. We misunderstood thinking they were both with him so went to the local coffee shop rather than wait in the car. What a fantastic place The George Coffee House, Martock is, a real community venture. They have the opportunity for you to add a small amount onto you bill to finance coffee and food for members of the community who might not be able to afford to use it.

We got the update that Oscar was home and apparently ok so continued with the plan and all went for lunch at the local pub.

Later in the day RF and I visited Kingston Lacy house which was full of Christmas lighting and excited children (and parents!) 

Thanks to all for a great day.

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