
By Kiteseeker

Don’t mention the K... word

Thank you for your concern regarding my knee. Slow improvement whilst frustrating is at least something.

Today did not turn out quite to plan! Woke up to find the dog had been sick overnight. Not too unusual for a greedy Lab but rumours of a virus in the local area made us concerned.

I volunteered at Parkrun. Good to get out and we arrived to see pink skies and mist in the valley bottom. Dalby is popular with cyclists too and I liked this shot of two being waved through during the briefing.

Home for a quick turn around and early lunch then off to Northallerton. We have been meaning to watch middle son Matthew play for a while. Finally got there today. Arrived as they kicked off 5 minutes and he was hit by a large opponent on the knee. Not good....

Spent over two hours at the hospital. X-rays showed a possible chipped bone. Matthew countering about a busy time at work and Christmas party at the club tonight. Splint, painkillers, appointment for Monday to fracture clinic and yes he still wanted to go to the party!

Good job we were there to drive both him and his car back. Guess who was pushing a large 6 foot centre around the hospital in a rather ungainly wheel chair.....what a day.

On a plus point Jet seems to be on the mend.

Knees are now a banned subject in this house.

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