Cannot believe it is five years since I started on Blip. I have loved every minute, and it helped me so much when my husband went into care and when he died. I have learned so much since I started with only my iphone, and then got my very first camera, I still just have a small camera as it is so handy as I always have my two little dogs with me, in fact if I ever lift my camera, Daisy is at the door. You have all become my friends, even if I have never met any of you, and I thank you for that. Blip is a huge part of my day, and I love to wake in the morning and start planning where to go to try and find a blip.
Anyway the weather has been terrible the last five days, with non stop rain, and I was so disappointed as I had hoped to get a sunrise for my Blip birthday, however I had to make do with the photo in extra, as the weather was so bad. I then decided to try and get out between the downpours, however I did get soaked, but on returning and getting dry and sat down at the kitchen window, when I could not believe my eyes, as a Sparrowhawk swooped into the garden and grabbed a bird, it flew into the ivy. My deer staking paid off as I quietly crept down the garden and managed to get these two photos. I was sorry for the bird, but thrilled to get this photo.
Hurray, I got my special Blip.
I am off in the afternoon to a house warming party, so am posting early.
Thank you all for being you, and being such dear friends.

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