
6°C  -  29 mph Wind  -  43 mph Wind Gusts  -  Cloudy  -  Intermittent Sun  -  Rain.  Another dreich day.   Shopped at local Village Store for milk and a Sunday newspaper.  First time I've bought a Sunday newspaper for years, but decided to see what today brings.  I bought the Sunday Post at £2  -  inside was an article of what it was like in 1925.   The news wasn't much different, but the price was  -  Twopence☺  I was nice to see Oor Wullie and the Broons again!  Got blown back indoors so spent the rest of the day sorting C******** decorations and presents. I've blipped this little Snowman before, and I expect he'll get blipped again next year:)  He doesn't look very happy even given the word Joy, but then neither would I if trapped in a snowstorm in a glass ball for years.

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