Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

#PositiveAdvent - Day 7 Christmas Joy

When my kidneys failed, I needed happiness and laughter in my life, so begun this Christmas tradition of seeing as many pantomimes as possible with friends.

So today was the first of the season up in London, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears at the London Palladium.  With an amazing cast of Julian Clary, Paul O'Grady, Nigel Havers, Matt Baker, Gary Wilmott and Paul Zerdin, it promised to be one of the best yet.  But I was left a bit disappointed.

Don't get me wrong, I still had a jolly good laugh and as you can see from this photo the lighting and colour was spectacular, much better than last year, as well as the costumes.  But it seemed they forgot about the plot and it was slow to get started, and the ending was as if they had run out of ideas.  They could have used Paul O'Grady a bit more as well.

It was a great day though with my friend Jules, who I hadn't seen since my transplant.

On Twitter I'm doing the Positive Advent, in face of all this politics nonsense.  So on Day 7 I'm thankful for:

1.  A great friendship with Jules
2. Laughter and joy at the panto
3. A wander around 5 floors of a bookshop, and I didn't even buy any.  Lol
4. Food with a view at the top of the bookshop in Piccadilly
5. The amazing Christmas lights of London
6. The love of reading I enjoyed reading on the train and read over 300 pages of my new book.
7.  Arriving home safe and sound

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