For Now

The set of Pamuk books I ordered is complete.  They came in stages, which is what online bookshops do these days to avoid losing one entire batch.  I didn't order everything he wrote, just most of it ... haha!  All for the time when I'll have time.

MOOCking and housework.  Phone calls with Mimi.  The Viking was alarmed at the news and has come up with a couple of approaches to the problem.  We have to think fast and we have to think ahead and have people in place for every conceivable scenario.  I am not comfortable with all this haste as things can always go wrong or go not quite according to plan.  A night or two of sleeping over it should clear some cobwebs, but the tension is tremendous.  Jay doesn't know what he is doing, but he also has no idea about what I'm doing.  Now is not yet the time to throw open all the cards on the table.  On the other hand, if he goes on this way, he won't be prepared for what is coming.  Because the Viking and I are sure that it will come.  Oh yes, it will.

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