The path was a challenging one today. Work was well busy and I rarely said a word. Rather, I had my headphones on listening to some rather good Resident Advisor podcasts. If your a fan of non-commercial dance music and techno, it's well worth a visit. If you're not a fan, it's still worth a visit as it may change your mind about the genre.... It's not all 'big fish, wee fish and cardboard box' shit y'know.
I did a bit of my own writing after work and then headed of to the Buddhist Centre thereafter. I like the debate and meditation helps calm my mind. I'm not sure what the Buddha would make of it all though. Many of his teachings make sense and are consistent with much of contemporary psychology. However, Nirvana and attaining enlightenment still seem a bit abstract to me. On balance debate is somewhat arbitrary as the teachings are designed to do good rather than harm and they help me attain balance now and again.
This is Hadimani, a genuinely lovely chap who's not got the pretensions that are common in Western Buddhism. I.e. he'll say when he feels shit, sometimes moan about life being difficult and not pretend he's perfect. He also shared a brilliant falafel with me one night when I was hungry. True Dana in the man and I like him!
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